Post Something Positive Here Each Day

Please tell us at least one POSITIVE that happened to you this day. It can be any wonderful action or event, an inspiring thought that came across your mind, an exciting emotion, or a nice sight, smell or taste or feelings. ONLY POSITIVE, NO NEGATIVE.

Nothing is too trivial, feel free to add more positive as things happen.

I gave my dog a big hug and a kiss. He woke me up by licking my hand and snuggling up to me. He is my best friend - never leaving my side. :slight_smile:


PS his nickname is “nurse”

I slept some solid hours last night.

Woke up and the sun was shining.

I had a long afternoon nap with Esther the cat. The sun shining through the window.

Had a long hot shower that relaxed my back.

Got dressed and now can go shopping for some food.

Listened to my favorite radio station.

Cleaned the counter in the kitchen.

Got lots of love and snuggles from Esther

Good job "nurse"!! that's so cute.

I feel so fortunate to be in a sunny climate with not much severe cold weather.

Received an email from a friend that I haven't talked to for long time.

Saw a hummingbird.

It's very still, cool and sunny.

Had a yummy bowl of soup for lunch.

Took a short, but refreshing, nap.

Enjoyed a lazy day.

Last night I slept more than four hours straight before waking to visit the little girls' room.

Had pleasant dreams last night, although I can't recall exactly what they were now..

Got all my linens changed and did three loads of clothes.

Pain levels still down.

Gas prices went down, Yeah!

Played lots with Esther. New game she really likes.

Feel lucky to have such good friends here on the forums.

I slept great last night too!

lol let's make a habit of that one!

Slept rather well last night, longer than ever.

Had a good talk with God this am.

My yoga routine went well.

Crispy weather outside but very still, no wind.

Went for a walk and a cute little girl gave me the biggest smile. How uplifting.

Having a good hair day.

Listening to music all day long.

Finished laundry and vacuumed rest of house.

Got a call from old friend and had a nice talk.

Today is the first day of the new year and it feels wonderful.

Starting a new year always lifts my spirits and inspires me to do better than ever.

I have lots of energy this morning.

I slept well.

Heard from some family members and had nice conversations.

Esther's fur is so shiny and healthy looking.

Dishes are washed.(thanks to the dishwasher)

I remembered to cover my flowers and herbs last night.

I feel so thankful for whatever frienship that I have in my life.

Happy New Years! Here is to a great new year.

I slept for ten hours last night and only woke twice. I can get used to that!

Watched the sun rise this morning, it was beautiful.

Had some yummy hot rice cereal this morning.

It's nice and warm and cozy in the house.

One of my plants blew over in the wind but nothing broke. yeah!

Have lots of food cooked and frig stocked.

Had a nice conversation with a family member and shared photos.

It's very brisk and breezy outside and that is invigorating.

My pain & fatigue levels are down.

First I wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading each and every post! :slight_smile:

Today it’s sunny outside, my electric blanket is on, my dog is sleeping peacefully on the chair next to me and he looks so cute. I read some nice messages from friends wishing me a happy new year.

This morning I woke up early, the first time I have done that in weeks. I think I am getting better. YAY :slight_smile:

I spent all day with my girlfriend yesterday while she was nursing a hangover. It was a fun and we did a lot of bonding. :)

Yay that you got plenty of sleep! Your cereal sounds delicious! Since I’m looking for soft food ideas, what is hot rice cereal? :wink:

Scott, Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!

Ally, I am grateful for YOUR friendship!!

Thank you Jen.

It's Bob's Red Mill brown rice farina"Creamy Rice" hot cereal. I put stevia in it and cinnamon, sometimes I put almonds in it while it is cooking. It's versatile. :')

Getting better is great news! Glad to hear THAT!