New Member

Hey everyone! I am excited to join this group. I don't know many people at all that have had to deal with Lyme. Here is my story.
I was first diagnosed with Lyme when I was about 12 years old. I had been sick for months and in alot of pain, but no one could figure out what was wrong with me. They tested me for Lyme and it came back negative. After awhile longer they decided to do it again and it came back positive. They put me on two weeks of antibiotics and sent me on my way. I think that is where the problem really started. Everyone believed that the antibiotics would take care of everything. Looking back I can see how two weeks of antibiotics is nothing to fight off Lyme. I have been struggling off and on since that point. For years I have gone untreated and for years doctors have told me it is all in my head and there is nothing wrong with me. I have lived years believing what they have told me. last month I went In to get tested for thd first time since i was 12. My health has been getting worse and I just wanted to get answers. The test came back positive. Now I am in the beginning stages of this seemingly impossible struggle. I have no idea what I am doing and so many people have told me different things. I live on my own and don't have support. Stress is debilitating to me and I barly have enough energy to just think about what to do. I feel like I am loosing myself to this deasise and Im so scared yet to exosted to cope properly. I still have hope, but I need help to find it. That is why I am joining this group.

Welcome to the group! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Do you recall what kind of testing you had for Lyme with the most recent test? There are different tests available and can vary in accuracy.