Lyme disease and children

Hi everyone! Im new here and I could really use some advice or experience that you've been through. My daughter tested positive for Lyme when she was 9 and was right away put on 3 weeks of amoxicillion. (She never had the bulls eye but was complaining of severe headaches and joint pain so that dr decided to test her). Since then she has had ongoing issues with joint pain, particularly her ankles, wrists and fingers. She has been retested 2x over the last few years and each time it comes back negative. She's 12 now and the dr just did a full panel of bloodwork testing for all kinds of things and everything came back normal so now we are being sent to a pediatric rhuemotologist. Has anyone else had lasting problems even though they may now test negative? I feel very overwhelmed because I dont want to overlook her complaints but its become very difficult. She will also complain of not being able to concentrate in school, she has a very difficult time academically and she is a very bright girl. I would really appreciate if anyone has any advice or even a similar situation. Thanks so much!

Hello Chickabe129

I hope every thing goes well at the rhuematologist. Is their any auto immune disease in your family? Please keep us posted on how she is.