I live in Britain and contracted Lymes whilst on holiday in Kent. I left it late to get treatment and kept being told Lymes is not in Britain but I beg to differ. Blot test x2 both negative, but have a fab GP and having on going treatment with metronidazole and hydroxychioroquine as well as rife treatment. Over a year since this madness began but seem to be finally getting better. Still tired but the awful joint pains almost gone so it seems the treatment I am on is really working. Living with Lymes has been a nightmare but feel I may be winning the battle. My question is that the doctor treating me has advised I may never be free of Lymes and that has made me wonder if there is ever an end to this disease.
I don't understand the medications prescribed either. Neither are typically used for treatment of Lyme disease. Nor why the doctor proceeded with treatmetn with two negative Western Blot tests. They are pretty accurate. There ARE a number of conditions that cause your symptoms that can be very well managed with medicaitons and other therapies. Have you been seen by a rheumatologist or tested for any auto immune diseases?
Also, to better answer your question about Lyme disease, once you have completed the appropriate course or courses of antibiotics, the Lyme bugs are no more. However, the initial infection can trigger other conditions that can leave people with life-long conditions such autoimmune or arthritis..basically inflammatory responses to the initial infection. This occurs in a small number of folks who get Lyme.