Bloodwork questions

I was recently diagnosed with Lyme after seeing a rheumatologist due to 10 + years of arthritis type symptoms. I have just finished my initial 3 weeks of antibiotics. Rheumatologist found high CCP and ANA levels through bloodworm and believes it may be related to Lyme, rather than indicate an actual diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Has anyone else had similar findings in bloodwork and found it to be Lyme related?

Also, I have seen an Integrated Medicine specialist who is looking for co-infections through German Lyme testing (bloodworm that is sent to a Lyme specialist in Germany). Would love to hear others experiences with this as well!

I assume you just got that weird spell check error that changes bloodwork to bloodworm? In any event irregularities with high CCP and ANA COULD be repeat could be related to lyme in the first 60 days or so. Once reactive arthritis that has been around ten years or so, its no longer reactive arthritis. It needs aggressive treatment. You need to run from this rheumy (based on what you have said here) if he isn't offering you that treatment. "Lyme Treatment" at this point won't do anything for you. Whether or not a lyme infection caused your present symptoms is irrelevant.

Thank you for your response, that is good to know. Sounds like I should be seeking immediate RA treatment. P.s thanks for noticing what spellcheck did too! Gave me a much needed laugh

Have you had a chance to look for a new Rheumatologist yet? I just got an appointment with a new rheum this old doc is just too far away (1.5 hours!) and I wasn't seeing him as often as I should have because of the trip. Just some thoughts when you are looking: always see if you can find one through a friend first...they'll have good input on bedside manner and whether or not they feel well cared for; look for docs online by visitning their websites, checking credientials and board certification; you may also want to do your first few appointments with a doc at a teaching hospital first and then transfer to a more convenient doc. At the teaching hospital, they'll run every possible test, be more aware of new advances, and give you a treatment plan. Good luck! If you have any questions...just ask!

I haven’t looked yet. I’m going to give him one more chance at appointment next month to treat the RA. It will be difficult to find a new one because this is the big rheumatology practice near me and they don’t allow switching to different doctor within the practice.