Hi i am Kristina,i became ill with Lyme april of 2015,My family Doc gave up and said i an not help you anymore and i have yet to see a lyme specialist .Ab for 2 weeks and i got worse,then AB for 3 weeks i am as ill as can be.I was a super active women ,Rancher,and i have so much pain ,sweating,chills,headaches,i now spend a lot of time in bed .Energy i used to have is gone i try to go day by day and truly i am very scared and wondering is this the way my life will be from now on?I read everything i could about this disease and right now i feel very down.There seems to be not much hope
Hi in 2000 I was in the same place you are now. My GP had given up, could not fix me. Went to an RA doc put me on doxy for 4 months. Took me awhile to feel better but I did. Being a dumb guy I did not seek help from a doctor for over 8 months. When I did seek help I was very sick. Today at 68 years old I am still active but I do have what I call flares from time to time. I am currently having a hard time now but I know I will soon get better. Stay positive, active and in touch with your body. This to shall pass.
I see you are in texas. Probably Houston from what you said about 7 Million people.
Texas is not endemic but it has plenty of cases of Lyme. The Lone star tick is the usual culprit down there. But I don't know if it has the same strain of Lyme and other co-diseases as Minnesota.
The most lyme...and hence, the most doctors are in the northeast, and in the Midwest.
No one knows why the symptoms linger but experts believe that the lingering symptoms are the result of residual damage to tissues and the immune system that occurred during the infection. Similar complications and "auto–immune" responses are known to occur following other infections, including Campylobacter (Guillain-Barre syndrome), Chlamydia (Reiter's syndrome), and Strep throat (rheumatic heart disease) Treating the infection which is gone is pretty fruitless. The sad thing is that class of antibiotics used to treat Lyme also are classed as a DMARD medication and are often used in MILD cases of arthritis so a lot of folks get some relief for a while only to have things return later on. The good news is that most folks get better eventually provided they haven't caused additional damage by over zealous practitioners. In some states NDs and MDs have set up practices that prey on folks. Consequently the term Lyme Literate can have some very BAD connotations.
Kristina,how was your Lyme diagnosed?By EM rash?Western Blot?Clinical diagnosis?
Bloodtest came back positive for Lyme
Zach said:
Kristina,how was your Lyme diagnosed?By EM rash?Western Blot?Clinical diagnosis?
Kristina said:
Bloodtest came back positive for Lyme
Zach said:Kristina,how was your Lyme diagnosed?By EM rash?Western Blot?Clinical diagnosis?
I am in Ft Worth Texas Metroplex
tjb076 said:
I see you are in texas. Probably Houston from what you said about 7 Million people.
Texas is not endemic but it has plenty of cases of Lyme. The Lone star tick is the usual culprit down there. But I don't know if it has the same strain of Lyme and other co-diseases as Minnesota.
The most lyme...and hence, the most doctors are in the northeast, and in the Midwest.
Kristina said:
I am in Ft Worth Texas Metroplex
tjb076 said:I see you are in texas. Probably Houston from what you said about 7 Million people.
Texas is not endemic but it has plenty of cases of Lyme. The Lone star tick is the usual culprit down there. But I don't know if it has the same strain of Lyme and other co-diseases as Minnesota.
The most lyme...and hence, the most doctors are in the northeast, and in the Midwest.
Kristina said:
Kristina said:I am in Ft Worth Texas Metroplex
tjb076 said:I see you are in texas. Probably Houston from what you said about 7 Million people.
Texas is not endemic but it has plenty of cases of Lyme. The Lone star tick is the usual culprit down there. But I don't know if it has the same strain of Lyme and other co-diseases as Minnesota.
The most lyme...and hence, the most doctors are in the northeast, and in the Midwest.
Hello tj1
After educating myself your reply,s seem to make the most sense.I feel it is criminal of Doctors to offer a cure for cash only no insurance accepted .I know i have Lyme .I will live with this fact.I do seem to be having more good days right now then bad ones,perhaps the after effects will take a long time to go away.I will smile thru the bad days and live 150% on the good ones .I have looked into all my options and i am just going along with life .You are so right about the so called helpful Doctors that just want your money out there and i feel my intelligence gets insulted by the way they offer help.I do thank you for the good advise i just felt i had to explore all options out there.
Hey, Kristina, just cheking in to see how you are doing? Some improvement, I hope?