Help Herx reactions

Here are a couple good websites about Herxing:
Things I find helpful during a Herx (combining multiple approaches give the best results)
-Nutramedix Burbur Detox - an herbal tincture that helps with die off. 10 drops as needed, can be taken multiple times a day
-S-Aceytly Glutathione capsules or ACG Glutathione spray (best option) ( I take this daily, 1 cap in morning, 1 in evening or 10-15 sprays am & pm. Can be doubled during Herx reactions. This is a supplement that helps your body’s detox pathways and most Lyme Doctors put their Lyme patients on it. Expensive but really helps!
-AlkaSeltzer Gold - this seems to help lessen the symptoms (alkalizes the body). Also good for nausea if you get any. As needed several times a day.
-Nature’s Way Activated Charcoal - 2 capsules. Take minimum of 1 hr (ideally 2 hrs) away from food and meds, as it will absorb all the nutrients! This can be constipating, so just be aware of that. I don’t take this all the time but it does help on days I’m feeling really ill.

  • dry skin brushing before a shower or bath, especially on areas of the body with lots of lymph nodes. You can look it up online for more info
    -hot baths with 1-2 cups of Epsom salts (Really helpful especially for aches); you can also do a foot soak as well)
    -anti-inflammatory diet (ie Paleo or Wahls). Definitely consider gluten free and possibly dairy free initially
    -make sure you have daily bowl movements. Some natural options that are non-habit forming that help me are Slippery Elm (2 caps at night, and 2 in the morning if needed, but start with 1 at night), Magnesium Citrate, Buffered Vit C
    -drink lots of water!
    -lots of rest! Sleep as much as you body needs, and take it easy.
    -It’s good to keep track of symptoms daily, as well as new medications you add. I find it helpful to look back and see correlations between the two. The Symple app is great for this

I did not tolerate antibiotics well so I have been doing an herbal protocol based on the Buhner protocol for a couple years now (with an herbalist who specializes in lyme) and it is really helping my Chronic Lyme. I hopefully can finish in the next 6 months. Remember everyone heals from lyme differently so it can take some trial and error to find the best treatment.
Best of luck!

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