I have pain everyday. It is more painful and more freQuent than pre-antibiotics(only been on for 5 weeks). Is that usual? I know herxing is supposed to be a good thing but what about the pain when you are not herxing?
I have pain every moment of everyday. I can a sure you that it is perfectly normal if you have lyme disease. I get herx reactions so bad I ended up in the hospital. My stomach starts to get tight and then it goes into my back and I can hardly breath. I vomit and pass out. Then other times my herx is just a really bad day and not being able to get around. Pain is to be expected with lyme. Where is your pain on the days you aren't herxing?
Hi Angie, omg I thought I was going crazy. I just started getting the same pain you described in this thread. That pain in the back n stomach n the inability to breath is beyond aweful I find there is very little that helps that but a good massage on my back and too many pain meds. I found that taking a break from treatment for a week does help out a lot. Have you any suggestions to decrease that pain when it comes along? I hope today is a good day for you.
I just sent you an inbox message on how to comment on a thread , with these new changes… But I apparently got it now lol lol. So I’m a little computer illiterate lol.
Take good care and thanks for your constant support
I used to get my mom or dad to give me a hard back message and I would try ice. That would only work though for a short time and eventually didn't work at all. After I was in the hospital my doctor prescribed some really strong painkillers because Tylenol never worked. It's called tramadol. Now that I have that I take one as soon as a feel one coming. I never discovered a way to decrease the pain. After vomiting it got better for a little but then after a little it was back again. It would last for hours and in the middle of the night. The longest was 5 hours. I thought I was going to die. The pain is unbearable. It is a nasty thing to go through, but it just comes with the disease. Hope you can find a way to help you. You shouldn't have to just put up with it. Your doctor should be able to help with it. Your in my prayers.
Hi Hope,
When I take abx all the pain areas in my body light up like a Christmas tree. The pain is far worse than the days I am off medication. (My protocol is 4 days a week). I also sweat profusely, shake/twitch and experience body spasms. From what I understand, these reactions are indeed Herx...sorry you are feeling bad and I hope it gets better for you.
Hi dkel,
I have taken Tramadol for about seven years now. It is indeed far better than OTC meds. And you are correct about the opioid connection. Tramadol is not a narcotic, but it has been explained to me that it hits the same receptors in the brain that narcotic pain meds do. Over time, it does not work as well. I am going to a pain specialist in July. Have never been to one and do not know what to expect. Has anyone been to a pain specialist? What should I expect at the visit?
Hi dkel,
Thank you for the comprehensive reply. Yes, Tramadol does lose efficacy over time, but overall not too bad. After seven years I am on double the dose. So instead of 50-100 mg when I started I am now on 100-200 mg per dose. I agree with your friend on the (EM?) sight... it takes the edge off better than anything I have tried except for Celebrex.
I will definitely update after seeing the pain specialist. My appointment is not until July...long waiting list. My biggest anxiety is that he or she will perceive me as a "drug seeker"...I am willing to do acupuncture (again), biofeedback, or any other alternative means...Recently I did 3 months of physical therapy which was awesome...insurance denied any more. I know that pills do not fix but rather manage symptoms.
And hopefully the person I see does not have too many misconceptions about Lyme!!
It's a horrible feeling. I shake and jerk almost like I'm having a seizure. It seriously feels like your going to die. After five times I had enough and told my doctor I needed something for it. I used to get one every week and since I started taking Tremadol it just comes randomly. I don't go anywhere without those little white pill :)
Hi Angie,
I agree it feels like being on deaths door. Do you (or anyone) also get the sweats? I sweat all day and night even in the winter. My fingers are sliding off the keys as I type. Lyme doc is treating me for Babesia, which I think is the culprit.
Thank you dkel,
yes indeed my therapist gave me some of those bands. The best part is how flexible they are (and cheap). I got some exercise charts from him, but since they focus on the worst areas of pain I get frustrated! Most of the time I use resistance with my legs just to keep the blood flowing. Need to work to arms, my neck is so spastic that I rarely do upper body.
For anyone looking for something very easy to exercise with I also use the classis "thigh-master" you can use it just sitting in place and get a little workout on your legs. Its about $10 for a generic one.