I wanted to know what each person has found to help them with their disease, like any routine, diet, or exercise that helps. So far I found that just getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and trying to keep high spirits have helped. Exercise maybe. Tell me what you've found that helps handle Lyme.
Great question garbchris. For me I have to deal with Lyme based on the symptoms of that day. Every day is something different so for example one day might be unending pain, another day full of panic attacks, or another day where I cannot think or function whatsoever. So I do not have one answer but several. To get through the days full of pain I pretty much stay in bed all day with my heating pad on high and a few pain pills down the gullet. For the days with panic attacks I literally have to perform duties one at a time because everything takes so much effort. I get paranoid, sweaty, out of breath, and feel like a deer in headlights. The panic days really stop me form being able to think clearly. Which leads to the brain fog- both are terrible. With the brain fog I tryto keep my mind on one thing at a time and not get overwhelmed. Sometimes these are the days I a most likely to take a nap.
So overall my modes of coping are to take it slow, rest when needed, get something to eat, and breathe deeply through the moments of panic. Also I will get on Ben's friends and talk to all of you!
I wish I had a good formula. The anxiety attacks are getting worse and worse for me. I can't sleep anymore... I'm sure that's impacting it. There was a time (not that long ago) when I was on a pretty strict schedule, and I felt like I was (just barely) keeping things together. Stress has been taking it's toll, no sleep, and now everything is falling apart, so I guess the REALLY LONG ANSWER (thank you for letting me work that out...!) is that a regular schedule, combined with sleep is CRITICAL.