Missed u guys, I got a?

Hey since I switched to android, I don’t have my bens friend app anymore :frowning: anywho I just read this article about a young girl who was given the vaccine gardasil and her body went haywire because she had dormaint Lyme and bacteria and the vaccine activated it. I was thinking about my own experience how after being bitten by a tick in my ear as a girl and relying on antibiotics a lot. Then I cut myself at work with a box cutter 15 years later and was sent to get tetanus shot. Big mistake. I was jittery anxious paranoid at work… Something went haywire in me. I was diagnosed with psych nos…ocd bipolar, chronic allergic rhinitis, sjrogrens, … Do u guys think vaccine reactivated Lyme? Also I go to dentist on Monday to get teeth pulled, and the epinephrine shots make my tachycardia worse. I’d rather bear the pain of them pulling with no meds… Is anyone else sensitive to dental shots. For me it’s sulfites in them…the teeth are adult baby teeth with no root so I don’t think it will be as painful…

Hello, LL, there is a lot of hysteria with garsadil, similar to a lot of vaccines. It spreads like wildfire on social media, and there is no stopping it. It is part of human nature to want to assign causes to things. Quite often if people get sick after having a vaccine, the illness will be wrongly blamed on the vaccine, just because it happen within a few months following vaccination. This does not mean that vaccines never cause ill effects -- they can, but it is extremely rare. Social media myths, however, would have us believe that we are all endangered by vaccines.

Antibiotics have been recently implicated as a trigger for some autoimmune diseases, so that could be significant. However, there is nothing we can do about triggers that happened years ago. Sometimes to help ourselves, it is better to look forward than backward. Sorry about the teeth getting pulled. That's no fun. How is your little one?

Agreed...there is a ton of needless vaccine hysteria. It is very frustrating because it scares people who desperately need life saving vaccines away from getting them resulting in destroying years of work in the scientific community. It destroys herd immunity and the results can be devastating. We are lucky enough to NOT remember the times before vaccines when diseases wiped out entire communities. There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that vaccines cause the troubles that they are being blamed for. This all started years ago with a single doctor, and a playboy model. THAT is where this movement gets its information from.

Also, the prime side effect of epinephine is short term tachycardia. The amount used with lidocaine in dental procedures should not cause increased tachycardia of any significance. (ie a HR of more than 120 bmp).