
It's 3 months since starting my Lyme treatment. Suddenly bp goes high, my primary increases my BP med. Can't get hold of my Lyme doctor it's the weekend. My symptoms are, high bp, tingling hands and feet, body feels nervous all over, joint pain, numbness, headache, nasal congestion, lack of concentration. Any advice or help out there?

yes, my BP has gone up, my Fibro/Chronic fatigue/muscle weakness/IBS are worse, the pressure behind my eyes are at an all time high, memory (what is that) LOL.. thyroid issues are worse.... everything that I have been suffering with for the past 20+ years is much much worse. I wish I had an answer for all of this, I am doing the homeopathic route.

Check with your pcp again before going to the Lyme doc. The pirmary provider will have more experience with this than a lyme doc would. One thing I have noticed about having a chronic disease is that not every symptom is related to that condition. It's easy to believe that they are because sometimes we have weird symtpoms. More often than not though, these are just easily explainable symptoms of common illnesses. Do keep note of you symptoms and the times that they occur and maybe even include a diet description and when you take your meds. It can be helpful sometimes for the doc to have that information, especially when there are a lot of symtoms that are usually unrelated.

Thanks for your help