I’m new to the group and wanted to introduce myself and hopefully get some insight on dealing with the effects of Lyme.
I am here because my mother suffers from Lyme. She has been sick for the last 20+ years, which has been almost my entire life. Because of this seeing my mom sick has just been a part of life and became very normal to me. At the onset of her illness she began seeing doctor after doctor trying to understand why exactly she was sick, with most giving her answers like “you or fibromyalgia” or “chronic fatigue” and a lot told her she had “depression”. For years and years she researched and continued too see dozens and dozens of doctors. She finally came across a discussion about Lyme and could relate to every symptom. With that she sought out a doctor that would test for Lyme, she took a cdc approved test and tested positive with Lyme (I am not sure which test and I know that Lyme is hard to test for).
So, about 10 years into being sick and seeing honestly probably hundreds of doctors and specialists my mom discovered she had Lyme. At this point her life at been completely turned upside by the Lyme, the way she was treated by the medical society and not having a medical diagnosis for her friends and family to understand what she was going through. At this point as most of you know treating Lyme and the ways you can treat it are hard to figure out, on top of that you are sick.
I know my mom has tried many different approaches to treat her Lyme, although honestly I cannot tell you exactly what they have been. While she was suffering with Lyme I had been living my own life too and because her being sick had become normal to me at such a young age I didn’t think much of it. Along with the pain of Lyme comes the pyschiological pain too. When you are sick and not understood by anyone it creates so much hurt and anger. At this point she is at least 20 years into her Lyme diease and during this time I have started my own family.
In the last couple of years I have noticed that my mom has not been able to find joy in life because she is too sick. She does not enjoy anything, anywhere, or really anyone. She had been destroyed by this diease and it is destroying our relationship and really all of her relationships.
I am here because I am at a loss, I don’t know how to help my mom. I don’t know how to understand what she is going through. I can’t seem to do or say anything right, she can’t be excited or happy for anything I have going on because she is so sick and to her in her health state it is trivial. I understand this and I understand I can do better.
I guess I am here just trying to understand the diease and how someone with a loved one with Lyme can help. Right I just feel that my mom does not enjoy anything, anywhere or anyone and that includes me. It breaks my heart what this diease can do, it is stealing away my moms happiness as well as our families.
I know this was a long introduction and I truly appreciate any of you that read this. I just really could use some help on how to deal with this diease.