IV Infusion Therapy

Does anyone know if IV infusion therapy is covered by insurance companies for Lyme? I read it can be covered only if you have neurological symptoms or arthritis. I just have fatigue.

Heres an insurance protocol that should answer your questions They are all about the same:


The neuropathy I had was off the charts, so the 28 day Rocephin therapy was covered. I read the link added by tj1 and you may have additional issues, like fatigue, that qualify for coverage. You can always get in touch with your insurance specialist and ask for a print out of coverage, like what is attached. When you ask for a print out of your benefits make sure you ask for the specific information you want, because you might get the entire benefit policy and that in itself can be very stressful to read. That can add additional stress to you illness. Hope you find what you need. Take care.