Does anyone here have experience with surgery?

I have late stage Lyme disease and it’s in my cns, I have had several surgeries and was wondering if this would create havoc on my Lyme disease, the drs know I have this and said it was important for me to have these procedures done can anyone help me with this thanks linda.

What kind of surgery are you referring to, Linda?


I have had wrist surgery last year they had to take out a lot of arthritis and I also had a form of carpal tunel with other thing which I can’t remember right now . Just a couple of months ago I had a total rotator cuff surgery done which he always removed arthritis and had to scrape down to the bone to attach the tear with a staple to my bone . Also 2 knee surgeries, and will need a knee replacement soon. Now I had a nerve test on my right shoulder and found out I have a pinched nerve due to ny upper spinal stenosis and tendinitis in my right thumb. I also in the past had lower back surgery with a fusion they had to remove 2 or my discs now the next one down is starting to bulge.alon with that my spinal cord is marring by the fashion one more thing to add is burcidious in my left hip already tried 40 mg of prednisone for 10 days and last week I had a courtazone shot I’m my hip . If that doesn’t work it might mean more surgery UGH I feel like a Guinne pig . Sorry for the missed spelled words but my brain fog is bad . Sincerely linda

Oh dear, Linda…that is one scary list. Can I be really nosey and ask how old you are?
Seenie from Moderator Support

Sure no problem I will be sixty in June , but I feel like I am around 78 haha . Actually when I was having one of my procedures they asked how old I was and I told them I was 78 they started laughing and said I looked really good for my age . Then we all started laughing together.that sure lighten up the room haha. Hope it made you smile :hugs::hugs: have a great day linda.

Nope, Linda. Didn’t make me smile. Made me LOL

Hi there just wanted to let you know what’s going on know. The neurologist did a MRI of my brain ( haha I said that you would probably find nothing) due to the brain fog lol. Also he had me take a Lyme test did that this morning should get the results back in a week . Went to my back Dr. More Pt on my neck now to see if it helps the pinched I will be going twice now once for my shoulder and once for my neck UGH !!! . He also ordered a nerve test on my back the shot he gave me for my hip didn’t work ( bursitis ) . Yippie. Now I have to go to my knee Dr. The shot he gave me also didn’t work so now I need a MRI on my left knee and then my right knee. Ringing in my ears are driving me crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Pain in all my joints is getting hopefully I will know more when I get the Lyme test back after all the Dr. Stop treating me even though the bands were still active, don’t know why and they are concerned about it because it’s in my cns hopefully I will not have to have another spinal tap ouch . Ok that’s it for know hope you’re having a great day. I’m feeling tired Linda :space_invader::space_invader::space_invader: