Does any of these symptoms seem to lymes

Hi all have recently been diagnosed with Ms but when i started reading up on what to expect from Ms I found myself concerned that I have been wrongly diagnosed or have co-infection possibly lymes disease was wondering if any these symptoms related to LD would appreciate some comments from someone with more knowledge my symptoms

  1. Had ring shaped rash about 8 to 10 years ago
  2. Have muscle or joint pain in left knee & elbow
    3.have ringing noise in ears
    4.have recently developed lots of eye floaters
  3. Have rashes on both feet that have been present for about 2 to 4 years
  4. Have had bowel probs for years mainly soft stools
    Any feedback would be great thanks

Forgot to add I had abnormal liver function test and went through a period of always having swollen lymph glands

Chris if you can get a blood test from igenex the test at Dr’s office won’t b very a curate maybe 50/50 that’s part of the problem ,they know the western blot is bs but here in the states that’s the first test good luck I have all your symptoms my rash is chest n arms I also have crohns disease .

Hi Robb thanks for taking time to reply I have read some stuff regarding ignex can I still have test done there even tho am in Scotland I checked to see if they had lab here which they don’t I have had the ELISA test which came back negitive I seen a neurologist a couple weeks ago who seemed to no his stuff until I googled some things he said which is false for example he said the ring shaped rash would have not disappeared on its own if it was lymes when it does

The Igenex test is western blot done exactly the same way, with the same methodology. They do additional bands which are not recognized as being Lyme specific. I hestitate to point out that your Doctor is probably correct and your understanding of what you read on the internet at odds. The "rash" if it starts out as a ring and disappears on its own is NOT usually lyme. itis wahat we call erythematous inflammatory papule. It is a ring rash that lasts a few days to a week. Basically it is a localized reaction. Erythema migrans or the rash from lyme comes anywhere from 3 - 10 days after the tick has been attached a min of 48 hours. It develops from the typical bullseye rash to a generalized red rash covering large areas of the body.

MS is a pretty straight forward diagnoses when all the pieces fall in place.